Instructions for Posting Bail

Bail may be posted 24/7 at the jail, (Piatt County Public Safety Building, 1216 Raymond Rd, Monticello, IL)

Prior to paying bail for an inmate, you are encouraged to call 217-762-3766 to verify the correct amount needed. There are two methods of posting bail: Cash and Credit Card (Visa, Master Card, Discover, or American Express). There will be an additional transaction fee charged when using a credit card. Whether paying with cash or credit card the person posting bail must provide a government issued photo I.D. If paying with credit card the card holder must be present. If paying with cash, only the exact amount will be accepted. We do not make change. In addition to the bail amount there will be a $40.00 processing fee. That fee may also be paid by a separate credit card transaction or cash in the exact amount.

Bail may only be posted in person.


Email Us
Piatt County Sheriff's Office
1216 Raymond Rd
Monticello, IL  61856
Ph (217) 762-5761

Administrative Office Hours
7:30am-noon 1:00pm-4:30pm M-F